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Rehabilitation Services

We are privileged to have Dr Karen Valu offer a veterinary rehabilitation to our clients, right in our own clinic!

What is Veterinary Rehabilitation?

Veterinary rehabilitation involves the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. Principles from human physiotherapy are used that have been adapted to suit our furry friends.

What Conditions can be Treated?

Veterinary Rehabilitation can benefit a vast range of conditions including:

  • Joint disease eg. osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, patella luxation
  • Neurological conditions eg. intervertebral disk disease, fibrocartilaginous embolism, polyneuropathy, brachial plexus injury
  • Muscular, tendon and ligament injury eg. cruciate disease, medial shoulder syndrome, tendinopathy, sprains & strains
  • Pre and post-operative eg. cruciate ligament surgery, intervertebral disk surgery
  • Amputees, congenital limb deformities

Just to name a few!

How Do I Book this Service?

Give our clinic a call to book an initial rehabilitation exam with Dr K. This examination is a thorough assessment of your pet’s posture, gait, function, strength, joints and muscles. Palpation, joint movement, measurements, reflex tests and stretching techniques are all used to find sources of pain, stiffness or reduced function. Depending on how your pet allows, we will try to assess all the joints and muscles we can. It is important to not only find the primary problem, but also any secondary or compensatory problems that may be present.

Dr K will then come up with a treatment plan tailored to your pet that may involve a combination of laser therapy, massage therapy, myofascial and trigger point release, stretching and joint play.

Your pet may also be given targeted therapeutic exercises. Some of these will be performed in the pet gym and you might also be given a tailored home exercise plan. These exercises will be designed to target your pet’s areas of weakness and reduced function. They can improve strength, mobility, flexibility, proprioception and help prevent re-injury.

For more information please refer to Dr K’s website