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Medical Services

Medical Care

Our purpose-built clinic is set up to handle all sorts of sick patients. Whether your pet is recovering from a major surgery, has a medical emergency or requires a hospital stay during any given treatment, our team will provide them with the highest possible care. We have dedicated hospital cages with heating pads, cooling pads, access for fluid therapy, oxygen support, medications and monitoring as needed. These cages are located in the centre of our clinic so our most critical patients can receive thorough care and attention, and our team can keep a constant eye on them.

Our clinic has heated floors to keep the room warm all throughout chilly days in winter, and our hospital is well stocked with a range of therapeutic diets for dogs and cats with a wide range of nutritional needs.

We are able to look after hospitalised patients during all of our opening hours. Patients who required continued medical attention can be transferred to the After Hours Vets on Antigua Street to continue their round-the-clock care. All hospital and medical notes are sent back and forth between our clinical team and the After Hours team to ensure consistency and high quality care for all of our patients.

If you have any questions on our medical services or our hospital facilities, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Radioactive Iodine Treatment

Many cats suffer from hyperthyroidism. This condition can be successfully treated with daily tableting, surgery or radioactive iodine treatment. We are fortunate to be one of the few clinics in the South Island to have a (I131) radioactive treatment ward in our hospital, and have treated many cats successfully over the years. When a cat has undergone radioactive iodine treatment, they no longer require daily tablets.

We take referrals from other clinics around the city, so contact us if your cat has hyperthyroidism for further details and to see if your pet would be a suitable candidate for this treatment.

Please see our prices page for an estimate on the cost of this treatment.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is now available at Northlands Animal Care Hospital. It takes a few minutes to apply, and our Class 4 Laser has pre-set computer for:

Post Surgical Treatments

  • To relieve pain and speed healing
  • Tooth extraction pain will be minimised with laser therapy

Wound Healing

  • Road trauma wounds to muscles, tendons and bone – laser therapy can speed healing and reduce scar formation
  • Bite wounds and abscesses for both dogs and cats can heal faster

Muscles, Sprains & Tendonitis or Ligament injuries

Burns /Frostbite Treatment

  • Laser therapy can relieve pain, reduce swelling and accelerate skin repair

Skin Conditions

  • Eczema or hot spots (pyoderma) can resolve with laser therapy
  • Ear infections can heal faster, with less pain and inflammation
  • Eosinophilic granuloma (inflammatory skin problems) in dogs and cats can resolve rapidly
  • Miliary dermatitis (allergic skin reaction to several allergens) in cats – laser therapy can reduce the need for anti-inflammatory and antibiotic medication
  • Lick granuloma – normally a very difficult condition to treat with medication – responds rapidly to laser therapy
  • Pododermatitis (involving inflammation of the feet, foot pads and nail beds). Reduced healing time for these painful lesions after laser therapy results in a better quality of life for the patient and less worry and nursing time for the owner
  • Seborrhoea (due to a buildup of keratin on the skin causing either a dry flaky skin or an oily coat). This condition is complex and often requires lifelong medical treatment. Laser therapy can help improve the quality of life for animals affected with seborrhoea
  • Otitis (ear infections) causes pain and inflammation in dogs and cats. Laser therapy can provide immediate relief and a reduction in inflammation/swelling. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal action of the laser can aid resolution
  • Smaller ear haematomas can be treated very successfully in a non-surgical manner with laser therapy

Arthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease

  • Spinal, hip, elbow and knee arthritis is very common in animals. This painful degenerative condition requires a multi-modal approach involving surgery, exercise modification, medical treatment and weight control
  • Laser therapy can provide immediate and long-term benefits by reducing pain, inflammation and swelling. It will allow an accelerated return to function and a higher quality of life

Urinary System Disorders

  • Feline lower urinary tract disease causes difficult, painful urination and blood in the urine. It responds well to laser therapy
  • Laser therapy following bladder surgery can accelerate healing of the bladder wall and immediately reduce inflammation and pain

Diabetic Treatment

We have many diabetic patients within the practice, and they can be successfully managed with a close partnership between our clients and our veterinarians. These patients usually require daily medication, specialised diets and regular blood tests, but can live happy, healthy lives once they are stabilised.

Cancer Treatment

Thanks to advances in veterinary medicine, pets diagnosed with cancer can successfully beat the disease and go on to lead happy, healthy lives. Pets do not suffer the same side effects associated with chemotherapy as humans. Most animals respond well to chemotherapy treatments. We have partnered with a veterinary oncologist to facilitate appropriate cancer treatments. In addition, we provide palliative care and pain management treatments.

You can help prevent some forms of cancer by having your pet spayed or neutered at an early age, but most cancers cannot be prevented. This is why early detection is one of our best weapons against this disease.

Regular veterinary visits can help us keep track of what is normal for your pet, as well as detect anything suspicious. However, because we typically only see your dog or cat once or twice a year, we also rely on your knowledge of your pet to catch any potential issues early. Contact us right away if you notice any changes in your pet’s physical appearance or behaviour (such as lumps or bumps, sores that don’t heal, vomiting, diarrhoea, or changes in eating habits).