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Dental Services

Dental Care

Your pet’s dental health is extremely important. Dental care is about more than just “doggie breath”! Regular dental care can help prevent serious diseases and infections. Routine dental cleanings are a vital part of your pet’s preventative health care plan.

Imagine what your mouth would feel like if you never brushed your teeth or went to the dentist. For many dogs and cats, this is a painful reality. According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, more than 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have dental disease by the age of three. Dental (or periodontal) disease is the most frequently diagnosed health problem in pets.

At Northlands Animal Care Hospital, we perform an extensive array of dental procedures, including diagnosis and cleaning, oral mass and cancer treatment, oral surgery, surgical extractions, and jaw fracture repair.

Why Dental Care is Important

Plaque and tartar build-up on your pet’s teeth can lead to gingivitis. Reddened, bleeding gums, difficulty chewing, and bad breath are all signs of gingivitis. Gingivitis can cause periodontal disease, a bacterial infection that, if left untreated can potentially damage your pet’s kidneys, heart and other organs.

Common signs of dental disease include:

  • Yellow or brown buildup (tartar) on the teeth
  • Red, swollen, or bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Excessive drooling
  • Changes in eating or chewing habits
  • Pawing at the face
  • Loose teeth
  • Depression

Even if your dog or cat doesn’t have these symptoms, we recommend that you have a veterinarian evaluate your pet’s dental health at least once a year. Bacteria and food debris accumulate around the teeth and, if left unchecked, will lead to deterioration of the soft tissue and bone surrounding the teeth. This decay can result in irreversible periodontal disease, tooth loss, and expensive oral surgery.

Dental disease can also affect other organs in the body: Bacteria in the mouth can get into the bloodstream and cause serious infections in the kidneys, liver, lungs, and heart. If these problems aren’t caught and treated quickly enough, they can result in death. A physical exam combined with appropriate laboratory work can determine if infection in the mouth has spread.

What Happens During a Dental Procedure?

Your pet’s dental cleaning is far different to the procedure we undergo each year at our dental appointments. Anaesthesia is required to keep your pet safe and still during the procedure. We perform a thorough physical exam and blood tests to ensure your pet is healthy before this procedure. These tests also help us develop an anaesthetic protocol for your pet.

Once anaesthetic is administered, the cleaning begins. We use modern and safe ultrasonic equipment to clean each tooth thoroughly, both above and below the gum line. Our veterinarians then polish your pet’s teeth, which creates a smooth, lustrous surface that is more resistant to plaque buildup.

Following the scale and polish, we have premium tooth-cleaning diets available to help keep those teeth clean. We can also show you how to brush your pet’s teeth using special toothpaste and toothbrushes available in clinic.

What Does a Dental Procedure Cost?

Every dental procedure is tailored to an individual pet’s age, weight, pre-existing medical conditions and the dental work needing to be done. There is no set price for dental procedures. Please contact us if your pet needs a dental and we can create an estimate specific to your pet.